scope of project

  • Branding
  • Website Design

brand overview

Nature & Me.

Nature & Me provides menstrual cycle awareness sessions and programs for young people and their families, as well as professionals working with children & young people from the age 8 to 24.

They aim to break the taboo and stigma that surrounds the menstrual cycle and instead encourage children and their parents to embrace the beauty and unique nature of their menstrual cycle through open discussion and non-judgmental education. 

a strategic approach

Following the results of the brand strategy, we wanted this brand to feel bold and confident, whilst also feeling approachable and supportive.

The use of movement was key to represent the constant state of flux and change present in our menstrual cycles.

We were also keen to include a playful aspect to the branding that highlights how a transition to womanhood doesn’t need to mean a departure from fun and play. 


We really wanted to highlight the connection to nature that is key to Victoria's ethos for her brand. For me, the use of organic shapes and lines was key to emphasising the natural feel as well as demonstrating a sense of movement throughout.

To emphasise the strong focus on connection, I added two organic shapes to the ampersand instead of one - referencing the multitude of connections we experience with nature, with our bodies and between parent and child.

The use and placement of the two fern fronds in the submark is a further nod to this deep connection.

let's create a brand that lets you live wildly.